What’s next for WildStrong Pangbourne

In August this year Gill and Andrew are moving north to Fife (where Gill grew up) which leaves the question of what is next for WildStrong Pangbourne (where the whole story began)..?

We’ve spent the last few years training up some of our members to be coaches so the group can continue to sustain itself (that’s a big part of how the model works to reduce the burden on one persons’ shoulders). But we did need a group leader, someone to hold a bit more and keep the wheels turning.

We sent an email out to our members and held a couple of “town hall style” meetings, one in our house and one in the pub, for balance. The role of group leader was soon renamed Mother Hen and together we worked to define what that might look like.

We needed someone who was already a part of the group and the community but also wanted take on more responsibility. Luckily, right after the first town hall meeting one of our long time coaches Nicola sent us an email to say how much she loved the group and how sad she’d be if it didn’t continue.

And so, here is a chat with Nicola, our new Mother Hen. She’ll be starting officially in August supported by all her member-coach chics - Skoggie, Sarah, Megan, Kat, Brett, Steph, Jenna, Amelia & Jacki.

Our co-founder, Gill, chats with Nicola about taking over the group.

Gill Erskine: Hi, Nicola! So, in August of this year, you are taking over the reins for Wildstrong Pangbourne. And we thought it would just be nice to have a quick chat and introduce you to everyone.

But you've actually been with us coaching for a while, when did you start?

Nicola Bannister: I have. I started in May 2021, after COVID.

GE: And prior to that and on top of that, actually, you're already qualified PT. When did you start doing that?

NB: I started doing that back when I was I 19. Yes, a while ago. And I've always loved the confidence building and the community element. I love that.

GE: That's not all that you do, is it? Give us the other side of the coin.

NB: Well, I'm a jeweller. I guess that's my main thing.

I make fine jewellery. Anything, including my own collection. Engagement rings, wedding rings. All of it. Yeah. In my workshop, in my garden.

GE: I've got some of your earrings, actually. In fact, I'm wearing them right now. Yeah, I really like them. But you also do remaking of old jewelry, which I really like as well.

NB: Yes, I do do a lot of remodeling. It's good fun.

GE: So WildStrong, has changed quite a bit since you started. What do you like about working with WildStrong and the community?

NB: I love the fact that whilst getting in really good exercise, that's challenging, but also about teaching people how to move more confidently and in different ways in daily life.

It's just also the most amazing community of people, all different ages. I've always felt so welcome, and it's something that I just don't ever want to let go of, community is so important and it's hard to find.

GE: Yes, that's true. You definitely came on as our youngest member, but no longer, you've been usurped, so that's good.

NB: That's great. Moving up the ranks!

GE: What's your favorite WildStrong session or movement? Or one of your funniest memories from Wildstrong?

NB: I think that's one of my funniest memories was I was teaching something and I full on fell over whilst showing people what to do. That was funny from a teaching thing and there was quite a few new people and they didn't really laugh…

I think my favorite movement is.. well I love the fact that we do handstands. That's really fun!

I think our “Ewok village” where we're just swinging around in some trees and doing things amongst the trees is my favorite, whenever that's incorporated. I love it.

GE: Yeah, it is really fun. And what are you looking forward to the most?

NB: I think I am really looking forward to taking the reins a little bit with Pangbourne group and working with the other members that have been here for a while to just carry the sessions.

I’m also thinking of adding another day time Explore&Play session for women.


You can find out more about the Pangbourne group here.


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