Movements that help us as we age

As my parents get older we have been having chats about how to build back in more movement to their daily lives.

The are both active but I have noticed that my dad struggles to get up and down from the ground and has started to avoid it.

We teach elements of parkour, strength and conditioning and natural movement at WildStrong. Not so that we can all become gymnasts in the woods, gracefully brachiating between the branches, vaulting over a fallen tree whilst the squirrels look on with envy.

BUT because kernels of these movements are useful for our life. If we find falling, balancing or getting down to the ground hard now, it’s something we need to do more of.

Overcoming obstacles is part of life – getting up and down stairs, over a fence, reaching for something under a table.

As we get older our bodies seem to conspire against us. Age-related conditions like loss of muscle mass, decreased vision, and joint stiffness, limits the opportunities available to us and can make it harder for older adults to be safe in the world.

WildStrong teaches us to maintain varied movements as we age. And whilst a lot of our members are aged between 30 and 50, we’re seeing an increase in the number of in their 60s and 70s and there is no reason we can’t apply the movements we teach to older populations.”

👉🥁🥁More to come on WildStrong working with older populations.

We loved this documentary:

If you’re interested in working with older populations, here are some really good resources focusing on how to expand capabilities:


Mind The Gap: How can we level the playing field in the wellbeing and fitness industry?


Meta-analysis: Aerobic and muscle strengthening activities